Dr. 琳达·范·英根


办公室: COPH 103A   |    电话: (308) 865-8772   |    电子邮件: vaningenl1@santerosdeamor.net



20th Century United States, 公民权利, Cold War, Immigration, Women’s 历史


Dr. 琳达·范·英根 is professor 和 chair of the Department of 历史. She teaches 20th Century US social 和 political history, 以及妇女历史, 公民权利, 及移民史. She joined the faculty at 体育菠菜大平台 in 2001 after earning her Ph.D. in 历史 from the University of California-Riverside in 2000. She previously taught as a Visiting 教师 Fellow at California State University-San Marcos, as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Redl和s in California, 和 as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of California-Riverside. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa, Iowa City in 1984. In addition to the Midwest 和 Great Plains states, she has lived in California 和 Massachusetts as well as internationally in Port Elizabeth 和 Johannesburg, 南非, 和卡萨布兰卡, 摩洛哥. 她到处旅行。, including many visits to the Netherl和s 和 a semester in Engl和 as an undergraduate. She encourages students to pursue international opportunities 和 has led short study abroad trips, 最近一次去阿姆斯特丹, 巴黎, 和伦敦. Let her know if you are interested in organizing one of these tours that bring history to life!

a collage of photos featuring dr van ingen leading tours throughout Europe


  • Dr Van Ingen at the Blue Gold Showcase eventHIST 126, Leadership in a Complex World 
  • HIST 176,民主党辩论
  • HIST 250, American 历史: Colonial-1865
  • HIST 251, American 历史: 1865-Present
  • HIST 421,美国妇女
  • 美国历史1898-1945
  • 美国历史1945年至今
  • HIST 495, ST: 60年代
  • HIST 495, ST: The Immigrant Experience
  • HIST 496, Senior Seminar: Recent America
  • HIST 801, America Interpreted (graduate online)
  • HIST 813, Critical Moments: The Roosevelts (graduate online)
  • HIST 848, American Women’s 历史 (graduate online)
  • HIST 848, The Long 公民权利 Movement (graduate online)
  • HIST 848, US in the Cold War Era (graduate online)
  • HIST 894, Introduction to Thesis (graduate online)
  • ETHS 101, Introduction to Ethnic Studies
  • WSTD 220,女子 & 性别研究
  • WSTD 420, 研究 Seminar in Women’s & 性别研究


Dr. Van Ingen focuses her teaching 和 research on modern US political 和 social history with a special interest in issues of gender, 比赛, 和类. Her research publications contribute to the historiography of women in politics with studies of women c和idates’ early twentieth-century campaigns in California 和 the gendered politics of power. She has also researched the rise of women’s late nineteenth-century independence, applying a class analysis to the financial challenges single women teachers faced as they aged. Current research applies an international lens to the gendered politics of the Cold War era, exploring the rise of Americans living overseas in what 生活 《体育菠菜大平台》杂志 magnate Henry Luce 和 Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce called the “American Century.” Dr. Van Ingen mentors undergraduate 和 graduate student research projects on twentieth-century US political 和 social history, 包括女性的历史, 公民权利, 以及移民历史.



“Living Overseas: Americans Abroad in the Cold War Era, 1950s-1970s.”
“Nebraska’s Bicameral Women Legislators: A Look at the State’s First Four, 1922-1938”


  • 琳达·范·英根, Gendered Politics: Campaign Strategies of California Women C和idates, 1912-1970. Series in Women in American Political 历史 (Lexington Press, 2017).


  • a picture of a laptop 和 a cup of coffee at a local coffee shop范·英根,琳达. “‘I Do Not Mean to Frown on Everything the Men Propose’: California’s First Assemblywomen in the Forty-Third Session of the Legislature, 1919,加州历史(2020年11月), 1-26.
  • 范·英根,琳达. “‘One Can’t Live on Air’: Sarah McComb 和 the Problem of Old-Age Income for Single Women Teachers, 1870s-1930s.” 历史 of 教育 Quarterly 54, no. 2(2014年5月):172-96.
  • 范·英根,琳达. “如果我们能让她获得提名, She is a Cinch to Elect:’ Helen Gahagan Douglas 和 the Gendered Politics of Accommodation, 1940-1944.《体育菠菜大平台》第24期,第2期.3(2012年秋季):140-63.
  • 戴维斯,R.埃利斯,M.R. 和L. “Civic Engagement 和 Task Force 教学: Integrating the Veterans 历史 Project into the University Classroom.《体育菠菜大平台》42,不. 3(2009年5月):341-49.
  • 范·英根,琳达. “The Limits of State Suffrage: California Women C和idates in the Progressive Era.《体育菠菜大平台》第73期. 1(2004年2月):21-48.
  • 范·英根,琳达. 休伯特•汉弗莱”.” In Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, edited by David J. wishard. Lincoln: 内布拉斯加大学 Press, 2004.
  • 琳达·范·英根, “Rodolfo ‘Corky’ Gonzales.” In Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, edited by David J. wishard. Lincoln: 内布拉斯加大学 Press, 2004.